The donations have been a tremendous help and nearly paid for all of the gas round trip. Again, thanks for the support.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
On the road,-110.36410
Checking out today no matter what
Can't leave due to paper work. B S. We are leaving today!
Monday, August 22, 2011
The ole chatter box.
It's defiantly working at full power!
A warning for combat vets
Go get your VA stuff setup ASAP if want make things easier on the family when needed later on.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Reducing meds
It's time to let his head clear up from all the meds we have been giving him.
The weekends are laid back with not much to do. It just a hurry up and wait game now. Talked to the first person on scene yesterday, apparently even as they were loading him into the heli he was anxious to get going. So you can only imagine how bad he wants to go home now. Again thank you all for your amazing support. It has made a stressful situation tolerable.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Finally got the VA worked out.
Things are starting to look promising. He was registered in the wrong county as well as dealing with a two year backlog.
Might be out by the beginning of next week
Looks as if he has improved enough to get out sooner than expected!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Still a bit of memory loss
We may be looking at about a week to get him out of here unless we can get his VA stuff handled sooner. Having no VA history makes things difficult. He has a ways to go before we get him back to normal. Having little use of his hands and not remembering what happened really fustrates him. Head trama patients are usually restraned at night. I have prevented that and they installed a bed alarm instead. That is mainly to make sure he won't pass out from head rushes from standing up too fast. I refuse to let them take his freedom away! I'm spending the night with him to make sure he feels safe when he wakes up. If he had a primary doctor, I could have gotten him out of here within days.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
He can now remember within two hours before the crash
I don't think we need any more photos. Remembering people was not an issue. Where and when was but that is starting to come back.
Next stop therapy
I'm off doing his laundry. Talking to insurance folks ect while they transfer him. Hope fully he can recover fast but as of right now we are looking at ten days at the therapy wing of which may not get covered. I will be getting VA info in couple hours.
Surgery went well.
He's eating well now and will be transfered to the therapy wing today. Visitors are welcomed. He has his phone but its powered off untill I get his charger to him. He will be there for another ten days or less.
Our best guess is that heat,dehydration and altitude may have been the cause.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Apparently there is a couple of trash bags of stuff that we neglected to grab from the tow co.
<p>He should be getting out of surgery now
We have a place to stay
John and Penny have put us up for a few days. Thanks for the donations and excellent support.
Where gee man is standing is where he ended up. Orange Mark is. Left road
Mile mark 415. Hwy 90
A humble thanks in advance. Every little bit of support we have received so far has been excellent. I thank you all.
I also managed to git his credit card unlocked and Wess has found us a place to stay.
Surgery around 3 pm
The memories are really starting to come back. No need for the photos he remembers everyone. Dates and times are the only issue. Everything looks promising
Monday, August 15, 2011
GP is doing wery well all things considered
10th mi,-108.999270
Local,-110.58074 Livingston, Mt 59047
4690.0 meters